DIY Knee Rehab
welcome to the DIY course for the knee
Here's to your health!
I'm excited to be able to provide you with this step by step lesson on rehabilitating your knee pain. I'm here to help you along the way. If you get stuck and can't move forward, reach out and we will help you move forward.
Matt Swift, PT, DPT
here are your lessons
This course is set up in 4 phases. Start with Lesson 1 in the calming phase and only advance once you have met the goals for each phase.
I hope you benefit from the free access to the Calming Phase. When you are ready, you can upgrade to gain access to the other lessons. These include the Mobility, Strengthening, and Return to Play phases. If you ever get stuck, you can also switch over to a telehealth one-on-one visit.
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