Learn how to rehab your knee.

You can start your own rehabilitation with some simple, step-by-step guidance from a seasoned physical therapist. Start for free and only pay if you want to continue past the first phase.

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We Help You Stay Healthy

Physical Therapist

Physical therapists are experts in healing and movement. A typical session in physical therapy will include an evaluation, manual therapy, exercise progression, patient education and modalities. This online course will give you patient education and exercise progression. Sometimes, this is all that is needed to overcome the pain and get back to doing what you love. 

Matt Swift, PT, DPT

Matt has been helping patients as a doctor of physical therapy for over 16 years. He has taken his experience in treating knee injuries and boiled down to the essential steps most people need to take to recover from knee injuries.



Physical therapy recovery roadmap steps


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Change Sports Physical Therapy Institute

Our physical therapy clinic in Huntington Beach has been a source of in-person help and healing for patients in Orange County for years. You can now access our system of recovery online for a fraction of the cost.

Physical Therapy Logo- Huntington Beach, CA
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