Physical Therapy Services

Ice vs Heat Physical Therapy in Huntington Beach

Ice vs Heat? Which is better?

The age old question- “Should I ice it or heat it?” It seems people have been discussing this topic for centuries and we are no closer to a consensus than when it started. Applying heat or cold to an injury has to be one of the earliest treatment methods used in history. One of the reasons I believe there is no consensus is because we are asking the wrong question. The question shouldn’t be, “Should I ice it or heat it?”, but instead “What do I want to happen to the tissue?”

Surgical Rehabilitation Physical Therapy in Huntington Beach, CA

Surgical Rehabilitation

Having a surgery performed on your body may be an excellent choice for your condition. Most patients also come out of surgery with a degree of fear and concern with the rehabilitation process they will have to go through after the surgery. Each type of surgery comes with its own challenges and hurdles to get past. At Change Sports Physical Therapy we strive to make this rehabilitation process as painless and efficient as possible.

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